The presentations listed below are for all speakers/presenters who consented to publish their presentation on the congress website.
Please click on the session below to view the presentations for that particular session.
Thursday 21 June
Pre-Congress Symposiums
Advance Care Planning: Can I Start the Discussion:
Masterclass: Cardiac and Respiratory Assessment and the Person with Cancer
Vascular Access - What lies beneath the skin
Radiation Therapy - what is our intent?
New to Research Symposium
Take action: techniques and tools for creating improvement in patient care every day
Breast Care Symposium
Friday 22 June
Plenary Session 1
Plenary Session 2
Concurrent 1 - Getting started and succeeding in Nurse-Led Translational Research
Concurrent 2 - Radiation therapy - The Science and Side Effects fo Modern Radiation Therapy: strategies to improve cure and reduce toxicity
Concurrent 3 - Mainstreaming Cancer Genetics - The role of oncology nurses in consenting patients for BRCA testing
Concurrent 4 - Palliative Care
Concurrent 5 - Quality Care
Concurrent 6 - Service Delivery
Concurrent 7 - Writing for Publication
Concurrent 8 - Pharmacology and toxicities for anti-cancer therapies
Concurrent 9 - Strategies for managing Cancer Pain
Concurrent 10: AYA
Concurrent 11: Education
Concurrent 12: Hot Topics
Saturday 23 June
Plenary Session 3
Concurrent 13 - Pharmacotherapies - the expanding treatment otpions from early to metastatic disease in Breast Cancer
Concurrent 14: Immuno-oncology from A to Z
Concurrent 15 - Prostate Cancer MDT Meeting: Expert discussion of treatment options in 2018 and the vital role of the cancer nurse as patient advocate
Concurrent Session 16: Innovation
Concurrent Session 17: Clinical Practice Stream A
Concurrent Session 18: Clinical Practice Stream B
Plenary Session 4
Thursday 21 June
Advance Care Planning: Can I Start the Discussion
1010 - Cathie Pigott - Introduction to Advance Care Planning
1040 - Leonie Young - Advance Care Planning and Living with Cancer - presentation not available for publication
1140 - Leigh Manson - Implementation in New Zealand - presentation not available for publication
1500 - Dr Richard Matthews - Dilemmas in advance care planning - what is the cancer nurse's role?
Masterclass: Cardiac and Respiratory Assessment and the Person with Cancer
1010 - Dr Chris Helms - The principles and practice of cardiac assessment and physical examination skills
1120 - Dr Chris Helms - Assessment and diagnostic examinations to investigate cardiac symptoms
1300 - Susie Helmrich - The principle and practice of respiratory assessment and physical examination
1350 - Susie Helmrich - Assessment and diagnostic examinations to investigate respiratory symptoms
Vascular Access - What lies beneath the skin
1010 - Dr Eugene Slaughter - A & P Vasculature
1050 - Dr Eugene Slaughter - Pathophysiology of thrombosis formation in cancer patients
1130 - Tanya Flynn - Vessel preservation and device selection
Radiation Therapy - what is our intent?
1010 - Mary Wade - Chemotherapy/radiation therapy
1040 - Dr Pauline Rose - Oncology emergencies and the deterioriating patients
1110 - Dr Tanya Holt, Margaret Reed and Mary Job - Palliative radiation therapy
1145 - Dr Andrew Pullar - Paediatric radiation therapy - presentation pending publication
1300 - Dr Elizabeth Brown - Development of a predictive adaptive radiotherapy approach to head and neck cancer
1500 - Michelle Roach - An update on the Radiation Oncology Nursing Knowledge and Skills Assessment Framework
New to Research symposium - presentation not available for publication
Take action: techniques and tools for creating improvement in patient care every day
0900 - Rebecca Chenery and Kerry Patford - Seroma Management
0900 - Lynda Horning - Wound Management - After Breast Surgery Care and Fungating Wound Management
0900 - Jennifer Collins - Wound Management
0900 - Leonie Naumann and Robyn Scheer - Lymphoedema
Friday 22 June
0900am - Professor Christine Miaskowski - Advancing symptom science and symptom management in the era of precision health
0940am - Dorothy Keefe - It's not an endless pot: The financial toxicity of scientific advances in cancer treatments
1050am - Financial Toxicity of Cancer Treatments and Care: Time to Intervene?
This session was an interactive panel discussion, facilitated by Professor Stewart Dunn of the Pam McLean Centre, featuring Ms Kristen Larsen, Professor Raymond Chan, Professor David Currow, Professor Bogda Koczwara and Associate Professor Louisa Gordon. There are no slides available from this session.
Concurrent 1 - Getting started and succeeding in Nurse-Led Translational Research
1310pm - 1510pm
Professor Patsy Yates
Professor Raymond Chan
Dr Natalie Bradford
Associate Professor Kim Alexander - presentation not available for publication
Professor Kate White - presentation not available for publication
Concurrent 2 - Radiation therapy - The Science and Side Effects of Modern Radiation Therapy: strategies to improve cure and reduce toxicity
Dr Lucinda Morris and Ms Michelle Roach
Dr Mark Pinkham
Concurrent 3 - Mainstreaming Cancer Genetics - The role of oncology nurses in consenting patients for BRCA testing
Dr Angela George
Samantha Gibson
Pauline Tanner
Amy Pearn
Click here to download the joint presentation for this session.
Concurrent 4 - Palliative Care
1310pm - Elise Button - Clinical indicators that identify risk of deteriorating and dying in people with a haematological malignancy
1330pm - Michael Collins - Comparing the characteristics of inpatient and outpatient palliative care populations based upon the site of first assessment at a comprehensive cancer centre
1350pm - Juliane Samara - Reducing urgent clinical workload: a sustainable model of palliative care in residential aged care
1410pm - Anne Fanning - Assessing carer stress in palliative care: attitudes and confidence of community nurses
1430pm - Michael Collins -Responding to patient questions about the use of medicinal cannabis while they are undergoing cancer treatment
1310pm - Clare Smith - The Clock was Ticking…… Strategies to Improve the Patient Experience in a Private Haematology/ Oncology Day Hospital
1330pm - Marissa Ledlin - The Implementation of a Safety Huddle in a Day Chemotherapy Unit
1350pm - Lindley Randle - The Challenge of Optimising Delivery of Patient Education in the Oncology Ambulatory Setting
1410 - Lynette Jeffreson - Rural ambulatory cancer care: tailoring supportive care screening to meet the identified need
1430 - Tracey Bates - RBWH Cancer Care Services Model of Care: Working to reduce avoidable emergency presentations and hospitalisation
1450 - Xiangfeng Xu - Pain management experiences and needs of Chinese migrant cancer patients - presentation not available for publication
Concurrent 6 - Service Delivery
1310 pm - Claire Howatt - Model of Care Project Phase 1 – Day Oncology Unit
1330pm - Nina Simpson - Adding a clinical nurse (consultant) to outpatient scheduling – what’s the value?
1350pm - Adam McCavery - Using nurse practitioner lead care to establish an acute oncology service and improve emergent access to specialist care
1410pm - Leanne Stone - Nurse Led Clinics: Their value on the Cancer Care Coordination Scorecard
1430pm - Felicity Hughes - Shared follow-up care for women with low-risk endometrial cancer – promoting a holistic approach to patient care - presentation not available for publication
1450pm - Isabella Zhao - Developing a nurse-led shared care symptom management model for lung cancer: Insights into the current roles of specialist lung cancer nurses in Australia
Concurrent 7 - Writing for Publication
Presentations from concurrent session 7 are not available for publication
Concurrent 8 - Pharmacology and toxicities of anti-cancer therapies
Dr Christine Carrington
Daniel McKavanagh
Concurrent 9 - Strategies for managing Cancer Pain
Mr Michael Collins - Medication Management in Cancer Pain
Dr Tim Hucker - Interventional Cancer Pain Management
Ms Ciara Power - presentation not available for publication
1540pm - Rebecca Greenslade - GP Engagement for AYA with Cancer across Queensland
1600pm - Judy Evans - The development of an eLearning program to support the delivery of quality nursing care in adolescent and young adult oncology (LEAPAYA) - presentation not available for publication
1620pm - Anita Cox - Fertility preservation for adolescents and young adults with cancer – who’s role is it?
1640pm - CanTeen - Supporting my patients who are also parents. What do I say? What’s available for them? Introducing CanTeen’s new parental services and online community.
1540pm - Jessica Scaife - Care Express: How video vignettes can enhance learning for cancer care clinicians
1600pm - Olayinka Akinsanmi - Cancer education delivery and skills assessment ‘from near too far’ with virtual technology
1620pm - Vivian Smith - Nurse-led patient immunotherapy group education in the Day Oncology Unit
1640pm - Helen Gooden (presented by Kristen Larsen) - Survivors Teaching Students: Saving Women’s Lives® (STS)- an ovarian cancer survivors learning initiative for health professional students
1540pm - Polly Dufton - Unplanned emergency department presentations by CALD cancer patients
1600pm - Natasha Roberts - Facilitators and Barriers to Implementing Patient Reports Outcome Measures (PROMs) in Routine Oncology Nursing Care
1620pm - Melissa Arneil - Investigating physical activity and cognitive alterations in younger women after breast cancer treatment
1640pm - Iga Debska - Implementing a Safe Communication Pathway with Cerner Oncology Information System
Saturday 23 June
0830am - Professor Christine Miaskowski - Understanding co-occurring symptoms and symptom clusters in oncology patients
0910am - Professor Mei Krishnasamy - Implementation science for nurse-led service improvement
Concurrent 13 - Pharmacotherapies - the expanding treatment otpions from early to metastatic disease in Breast Cancer
Concurrent 14: Immuno-oncology from A to Z
Concurrent 15 - Prostate Cancer MDT Meeting: Expert discussion of treatment options in 2018 and the vital role of the cancer nurse as patient advocate
Click here to download the joint presentation for this session
Dr Tanya Holt
Meg Hughes
Dierdre Kiernan
Dr Peter Swindle
Concurrent Session 16: Innovation
1045am - Gillian Blanchard - CANcierge –an application (app) for patients to navigate cancer services, improve treatment experiences and enhance capacity for self-care
1105am - Corrine Haugstetter - HaematologyOncology Triage (HOT) Project – Preliminary Results of a Pilot Project to Reduce Emergency Department Presentations and Unplanned Hospital Admissions of Patients Undergoing Cancer Treatment
1125am - Lucy Patton - Charlies’ Wait Watchers: Using Lean Thinking to Reduce Patient Wait Times in a Medical Oncology Outpatient Department at a Metropolitan Tertiary Hospital
1145am - Pammie Ellem - Participatory Action Research - methodological considerations in bringing clinicians together to improve peer support and stimulate empowerment
1205pm - Penelope Slater - Needs analysis, development and evaluation of the Oncology Staff Wellbeing Program, Children’s Health Queensland
1225pm - Lucy Bailey - Learning to Relax - nurse led intervention to support people affected by cancer
Concurrent Session 17: Clinical Practice Stream A
1045am - Elisabeth Coyne - A review of literature to provide evidence for best practice administering chemotherapy to enable optimum patient outcomes and nurse safety
1105am - Nicole Gavin - Central venous access device Registry: improving outcomes for patients diagnosed with cancer
1125am - Nicole Gavin - Administration sets/ infusion tubing: how often should they be replaced to prevent infection?
1145am - Yolande Cox - Development of a Cancer Screening Quick Reference Guide for Supportive Care
1205pm - Jane Phillips - Prevalence of pain in diseasefree survivors attending follow-up at two metropolitan outpatient oncology services: A Stop Cancer PAIN Trial secondary analysis
1225pm - Meaghan McCambridge - Optimal Care Pathways - ensuring optimal care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with cancer - presentation not available for publication
Concurrent Session 18: Clinical Practice Stream B
1045am - Adam McCavery - The use of cluster care and allocated roles to improve time to antibiotics in febrile neutropenia
1105am - Michelle Roach - Radiation Oncology Nursing Knowledge and Skills Framework (RONKAS Framework)
1125am - Marion Eckert - Non-melanoma skin cancer in South Australia: data to inform strategies for early detection and prevention in primary and community care
1145am - Donna Milne - Room for improvement: preparing and supporting patients receiving immunotherapy for stage IV melanoma
1205pm - Christine Archer - Intensive followup for stage IV metastatic melanoma patients receiving combination ipilimumab and nivolumab: a safer model of care?
1225pm - Patricia Wilson - A Nurse-Led Wellness Model in Cancer Care
Radiation Therapy in 2018: What every cancer nurse needs to know.
This session was an interactive panel style session, facilitated by Julie McCrossin. Panelists include: A/Prof Sandra Turner, Dr Lucinda Morris, Dr Sean Geoghegan, Ms Jenna Dean and Ms Michelle Roach.
There are no slides available from this session.