The CNSA 22nd Annual Congress will be held in the Goldfields Theatre at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, 20 – 22 June 2019. The exhibition will be held in the adjacent Goldfields Event Space – Ground Floor.
By clicking on the links below, you will find details for all congress logistics but if for any reason, you can’t find what you’re looking for, please do not hesitate to contact the Congress Organisers, Chilli Fox Events – cnsa@chillifoxevents.com.au
Important Contacts
Exhibition Display/Bump in and out
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre Exhibitor Information
Delivery Instructions and Freight Forwarding
Floor Plans
Satchel Inserts
Registration & Entitlements
Prizes and Giveaways
Exhibitor Lead Capture
Exhibitor Check List
Important Contacts
Chilli Fox Events (Congress Organisers)
Michelle Stewart
Email: michelle@chillifoxevents.com.au
Mob: 0413 372 493
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
Exhibitor Services
Email: exservices@mcec.com.au
Ph: 03 9235 8110
Exhibition Build Company – Harry the Hirer
Cathryn Earl
Mob: 0434 187 817
Email: cathryne@harrythehirer.com.au
Agility Fairs and Events
Matt Verdolini
Event Logistics Specialist
Ph: 03 9330 9013
Email: mverdolini@agility.com
Exhibition Display
Exhibition Booth Inclusions
Exhibitors are entitled to the following as part of the standard package;
1 x 3m x 2m booth with white flush wall frame system
1 x printed fascia sign per aisle opening frontage featuring stand number and company name
2 x energy efficient spotlights per booth
1 x single 4amp power point
NB - There is no furniture provided with the booth. Harry the Hirer will be in contact with all exhibitors to sign off on fascia signage and discuss your individual furniture/AV requirements.
Please click here to visit the Harry the Hirer interactive mini-site. Note that you will need to register an account on this site.
Custom Stands
If you are having a custom stand and are hiring your own display builder, please inform Chilli Fox Events and Harry the Hirer of the name and contact details of your builder. Please forward this information to them and ask them to contact Chilli Fox Events directly (michelle@chillifoxevents.com.au), as all plans must be approved by the organiser and the venue before they can be built.
NOTE: unless approved by the organiser, the height build for stands is 2.4 metres at the CNSA 2019 Annual Congress
Bump in
Thursday 20 June 2019
0100 - Harry the Hirer build to commence
0600 - Space only/Custom build contractors allowed access
1400 - All builds to be completed and Agility delivers all freight to stands
1400 - Exhibitors move in (stand set up) ***
1600 - All stands to be ready for final exhibition clean
1700 - Show opens for the CNSA Welcome Reception (1700 - 1900) - All stands must be completely dressed and excess rubbish removed by 1630.
*** Access to the exhibition area for exhibitor move-in will only be available during this time (unless pre-arranged with the Organiser).
*** As it’s considered a construction area, exhibitors MUST wear high visibility vests and closed toe footwear. High Visibility vests are not supplied by the Organiser or MCEC – it is your responsibility to bring your own vests. Vests are available for purchase from TechBox Vending Machines throughout the venue for $8.00.
*** All freight will be delivered direct to stands by Agility. The only exceptions will be materials that can be carried in by hand, such as banners or boxes of flyers.
Bump out
Saturday 22 June 2019
1345 - Show closes (lunch concludes)
1345 - 1500 - Exhibitors pack up goods/boxes
1500 - 2100 - Stands dismantled (Harry the Hirer)
Exhibition Opening Times
Thursday 20 June 2019
1700 – 1900 Welcome Reception
Friday 21 June 2019
1020 – 1050 Morning tea
1210 – 1310 Lunch
1510 – 1540 Afternoon tea
Saturday 22 June 2019
1030 – 1100 Morning tea
1300 - 1345 Lunch
1345 Exhibition closes
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre Exhibitor Information
This section covers items such as:
- How to order catering
- How to order services and equipment
Please click here to view the MCEC Exhibitor Services pack, and here to view the MCEC Catering Guide, containing further information about the catering, services and equipment available at the Centre. If you wish to order items from either of these catalogues, please email exhibitor services directly on this email address, exservices@mcec.com.au. All on-stand catering will need to be approved by the organisers.
Please note that coffee carts and juice bars are sponsorship items, and can only be organised through the CNSA sponsorship package, please contact Chilli Fox Events if you would like to arrange a coffee cart and we will advise if this is available.
Delivery Instructions and Freight Forwarding
The MCEC will only accept deliveries via an appointed freight forwarder therefore Agility Fairs & Events has been appointed the official freight forwarder and onsite logistics provider for CNSA 2019.
As a service to exhibitors, the organiser has arranged for the transportation of exhibitor goods to the show, from Agility’s Melbourne warehouse. There is no cost to you for this depot – venue service. You are also welcome to use your own preferred courier to deliver your goods to the Agility Warehouse or if you require a quote for transport from your premises to Agility’s depot, and for your return freight please complete and return the Transport Request Form to:
Matt Verdolini
Event Logistics Specialist
Agility Fairs & Events
Tel: +61 3 9330 9013
E-mail: mverdolini@agility.com
In order to avoid any issues, lost freight or unmarked items, it is absolutely critical that you follow these instructions below. Agility will take all care but cannot be held responsible for any freight that is delivered by other couriers which cannot be identified. A copy of Agility’s Terms & Conditions is provided upon request.
What you need to do as an exhibitor:
- Complete the Transport Request Form (click here to download this form) and scan it to Agility by Fri 31 May 2019
- Ensure that each item is numbered (e.g. 1 of 3, 2 of 3 etc..) and labeled using the label provided – click here to download the label.
- Return the pre-alert form (click here to download this form) by Friday 7th June- to Matt Verdolini mverdolini@agility.com
- Deliver your goods to Agility’s Melbourne warehouse by no later than 4.00 pm Friday 14th June 2019
- Your goods will then be delivered to your stand at the show from 10.00 am Thurs 20th June 2019
- At the close of the show, be sure to pack, label and number your goods accordingly
- If you're not using Agility to deliver back to your premises- don't forget to attach consignment notes or instructions for your couriers (please ensure your courier can pick up on a Saturday)
- If you require return freight after the show, you must contact Matt Verdolini at Agility minimum 24 hrs. before the close of the show
Please note all freight must be removed from the venue the same night as the show closes on Saturday 22 June– no exceptions.
For these reasons, we highly recommend using Agility as they work weekends and outside normal business hours
Please note:
- Your goods must be sufficiently packaged for transport. Loose items / fragile items will not be transported if insufficiently packaged.
- Agility Fairs & Events standard trading conditions apply for services provided – it is important that you are aware of these. Services include: transport, cranage, forklift, porterage, clearance, delivery, storage, positioning and all other onsite services.
- We recommend you procure insurance on your goods. Agility does not provide insurance on your behalf.
Onsite Materials Handling
Exhibitors or their custom stand-builders requiring a forklift during move in or move out, must pre-book these services in advance with Agility. Please do not just assume that Agility will be onsite.
To avoid disappointment, you must complete the Materials Handling Section of the Transport Request Form (click here to download) and return it to Agility at least 2 weeks prior to the show.
Please see the Agility staff at the loading dock for assistance. Forklifts are operating during the following times only:
Move in:
Thurs 20 June: 6am - 4pm
Move out:
Saturday 22 June: 2pm - 5pm
Onsite Materials Storage
There will be limited on-site storage facilities for packing materials and boxes. It is recommended that exhibitors consider their storage needs (of packing crates and freight forwarding materials) for the duration of the exhibition. Exhibitors may not leave boxes and packing material in the exhibition display area during the show. Agility can arrange off-site storage at a cost of $66.00 inc GST per m3 or part thereof.
To avoid disappointment, you must complete the MATERIALS HANDLING SECTION OF THE TRANSPORT REQUEST FORM (click here for the transport request form) and return it to Agility at least 1 week prior to the show
Floor Plans
Click on the link below to download the latest exhibition floor plan.
Accommodation: Friday 17 May 2019 (to be guaranteed access to conference rates)
Satchel Insert Delivery: Friday 7 June 2019 (to satchel packing house)
General Congress Deliveries: Friday 14 June 2019 (to Agility’s Melbourne Warehouse)
Satchel Inserts
If you are entitled to a satchel insert, you must arrange delivery of these inserts separately to your exhibitor goods. We request that you send 600 copies of your satchel insert to the satchel packers. Please send an electronic copy or a description of what you will be sending to michelle@chillifoxevents.com.au
Satchel Inserts can be delivered to the satchel packer from early June 2019 and MUST ARRIVE NO LATER than FRIDAY 7 JUNE 2019. Please click here to download the Satchel Insert Delivery Label.
NB. There is no guarantee that any inserts received after this date will be included within the congress satchel. If you would like to purchase a satchel insert, please email kate@chillifoxevents.com.au.
All exhibitors must have a Public Liability Insurance Policy (minimum $10m) for the period of the exhibition and must be able to produce a Certificate of Currency immediately at the request of the organiser. You are requested to send a copy of your certificate to Chilli Fox Events prior to the Congress.
Registration & Entitlements
All company personnel attending the congress must be registered via the online registration system.
The following entitlements apply for supporters and exhibitors;
Principal Congress Partner – 7 complimentary registrations & 7 complimentary dinner tickets
Major Congress Partner - 5 complimentary registrations & 5 complimentary dinner tickets
Congress Partner – 3 complimentary registrations & 3 complimentary dinner tickets
Exhibitor - 2 complimentary registrations per booth
Additional Company Representatives: $460 (before 30 April) and $560 after 30 April.
All registrations include the Welcome Reception, catering and entrance to all congress sessions (apart from the sponsored breakfast sessions)
The Congress social functions provide excellent networking opportunities and we encourage all exhibitors and supporters to attend. Tickets can be purchased for the Congress Dinner at the time of registration – please click here to find out more about the social events at the Congress.
To register your complimentary passes, please select “Exhibitor/Supporter Complimentary”. If you have exhausted your complimentary allocation, please select “Additional Exhibitor/Supporter”. If you are unsure as to how many comp passes have already been used, please contact kate@chillifoxevents.com.au
Accommodation can be booked as part of your registration and the deadline to access negotiated congress rates for all accommodation bookings is 17 May 2019.
Please click here to view more information on accommodation options and the booking terms and conditions.
Name badges will be required at all times. the organisers and the venue cannot take responsibility for items left in the exhibition area unattended. Exhibitors are advised to remove any valuable items such as laptops and iPads from their stands outside of exhibition opening hours.
Prizes and Giveaways
CNSA will once again be encouraging delegates to use the Congress app, to visit stands and actively engage with exhibitors. Delegates will have until lunch time on Saturday 22 June to collect all of their virtual stamps. The winner will receive a fantastic prize (prize TBC) and the winner will be announced during the final plenary after lunch on Saturday 22 June.
Lead Capture
As part of your package for CNSA 2019 you have received access to the Ignite Capture app which allows you to easily capture information on traffic to your booth and delegate's contact details for use post-event – making your reporting easier.
Please note: This app is separate to the CNSA Congress app
To download the App please search ‘Ignite Lead Capture’ from the App Store or Google Play Store.
Login using these details:
Event code: CNSA2019
Unique email address: this is the email address you used to register with and temporary password: sent to you in a separate email.
If you need us to re-send your password - please email cnsa@chillifoxevents.com.au
Checklist for Exhibitors
- Register your reps and book accommodation online
- Send example of satchel insert to Chilli Fox Events (if applicable)
- Send copy of Public Liability insurance to Chilli Fox Events
- Organise Stand furniture and other requirements with Harry the Hirer
- Post Satchel Inserts (if applicable)
- Organise your delivery and collection of freight via Agility's Melbourne warehouse