CNSA 22nd Annual Congress |20-22 Jun 2019 | Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre | THE COMPLEXITY OF CANCER CARE: | What will the future of cancer nursing look like?
Graeme Hart

Associate Professor Graeme Hart

Associate Professor Graeme Hart is currently the Chief Medical Information Officer at Austin Health.

Graeme graduated MB.,BS in 1977 from the University of Melbourne. He worked at Austin Hospital as an intern and remembers well his Intern days in Radiation Medicine and Oncology. He commenced anaesthesia and intensive care training at Austin, but completed it in Perth at Sir Charles Gairdner and Royal Perth Hospitals. He then spent 3 years working in the Neuro-anaesthesia and neurocritical care at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, USA, performing both clinical and laboratory based research.

Graeme has a long standing interest in quality improvement activities, having been Chair of ANZICS CORE for many years, and an ANZICS Safety and Quality Committee member.

As Director of Austin Health Dept Intensive Care until October 2016, he oversaw the expansion of the ICU, advocated for a high performance team culture and increased consumer representation within the ICU Quality framework.

In 2017 he was appointed Clinical Co-Lead of the Safer Care Victoria, Critical Care Clinical Network which is tasked with improving co-ordination, intra sector learning and quality improvement of the 46 public and private ICUs in Victoria.

In 2017, he was also appointed to the Health and BioMedical Informatics Centre, at University of Melbourne. This role includes, teaching, research and course design for clinicians and informaticians and assisting in the uptake of informatics knowledge and capability in the health professions.

His strong interest in Clinical Informatics relates to the belief that increasing person focussed care, personalised medicine, efficiency, safety, quality improvement, evidence based practice and cross sector collaborative care, will be facilitated through the use of the EMR and its enabling technologies and processes. He will work to ensure the data generated through EMR documentation will greatly expand our audit and research capability through analytics and translational medicine opportunities.

He also has first hand experience over the last 2 years as a patient with Acute Promyelocytic Leukaemia. He has reflected on his experience as a “physician patient” and will share some of those thoughts with us.

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